Rather than reading this past week, I've been out snowshoeing and having fun. Even so, I think I've managed to get a decent enough bit of reading done.
Last week I read:
Dragondrums by Anne McCaffrey. Fantasy, fiction, Teen. It's the third book in the Harper Hall trilogy, following on Dragonsong and Dragonsinger.
The Adept by Katherine Kurtz and Deborah Turner Harris. Fantasy, fiction. The first book in one of my favourite series. I've re-read the books several times now and loved them each time.
Books I'm currently reading (a rather long list this week, I think):
White Tiger by Kylie Chan. Fantasy, fiction, urban fantasy. I bought the $0.99 cent e-book version and I'm loving it on the re-read as much as I did the first time.
By Fire and Water by Mitchell James Kaplan Fiction, history. I've only just started the read, but I'm liking it so far. It's certainly got quite the collection of awards! From the amazon.com blurb:
Recipient of the Independent Publishers Award for Historical Fiction (Gold Medal), the Foreword Book of the Year Award for Historical Fiction (Bronze Medal), and an honorable mention in the category of General Fiction for the Eric Hoffer Award.

I want to read:
The Adept: Lodge of the Lynx by Katherine Kurtz and Deborah Turner Harris. Fiction, fantasy. The sequel to The Adept, this book picks up almost where the last one left off - and believe me, there's plenty of loose ends to be tied up here.
Unnatural Issue by Mercedes Lackey. Fiction, fantasy. The most recent book in the Elemental Masters series. More important for getting it read now is the fact that this book is the final book I borrowed from the library in my last "loot" page.
That's a lot of reading! I've only got one book on the go at the moment, Advent by James Treadwell. It had a damn good opening, so let's hope it keeps impressing!
Perhaps you can read while you ski :)
Have a great reading week!
Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out
That looks like a really neat book Jamie. At least, going by the amazon.com description.
And the same wish for you, Shellyrae. Thanks for dropping by with a comment.
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