Adventures Of A True Bookaholic. Thanks for keeping us all on track with our reading for the last two or so years now.
After the last few abysmal weeks of reading, I had a really good week last week.
I finished reading:

Not to mention that it's a book worth re-reading, along with the sequels Catching Fire and Mockingjay. I really want to see the movie - although I have this feeling that I'm not going to until it comes out on DVD. That's just the way things have been going for me lately.
Lover Reborn by J.R. Ward. Fiction, romance, paranormal. Lover Reborn is the tenth book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. A really good read once the story took off. I just found that it took more than half the book to truly do so.
Star Wars Panel To Panel Volume 2 by Randy Stradley. Graphic Novel, art, fiction. This one surprised me. I never thought I'd be enjoying a book based on graphic novels and their art so much. It's intrigued me enough that I want to look closer at this part of the Extended Universe a bit more closely. The artwork is just amazing in so many of the panels. Definitely a very quick read as the majority of each page is given over to the artwork/page panels rather than to text.
I'm currently reading (and this is another longish list):
Delirium by Lauren Oliver. Fiction, science fiction, teen. Based around a very interesting concept, this is turning out to be surprisingly good. Of course, it is a teen book, so some of the problems/issues are a bit predictable, but it's a good read none-the-less.
In Her Name: The Last War by Michael R. Hicks. Fiction, Science fiction. This is the second omnibus of Michael R. Hicks' work that I've read, and I'm absolutely loving it. The first was In Her Name. This one details the first contact between the two races and the start of the war we read about ending in the other book. My favourite book of the week, to be honest.
Facing Up: A Remarkable Journey To The Summit Of Mount Everest by Bear Grylls. Non Fiction, Biography. This one's on the back burner a bit, to be honest, although I've been enjoying it a lot.
True Strength by Kevin Sorbo. Non Fiction, Biography. Definitely a good book, but the most recent book I've started, so I can't say that much about it yet.
Beyond Snapshots by Rachel Devine and Peta Mazey. Non Fiction, Photography. As far into this book as I've gotten, it's been incredibly helpful, but I can see that the focus of the subject matter isn't really my interest. This book is geared around taking family and kid photos. The technical side of the book is incredible though. Easy to understand and make use of. Gotten via NetGalley.
With all of these on the go, I don't really think I should plan on starting more books this week :)