Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Favourites: Your Favourite Book Meme?

Friday Favourites - a chance to rave about a favourite reading/book related topic each week.

Sometimes you just want a chance to rave about some favourite aspect of reading that doesn't really come up during regular blogging posts - that's what this is about. I'm willing to bet that at least some of those will come up one week or another.

This week I'm asking what your favourite book meme is. There are too many of them to count too: Library Loot, Booking Through Thursdays, "Waiting On" Wednesdays, Teaser Tuesdays, It's Monday! What Are You Reading? etc, etc.

What's your favourite, or do you have more than one? What draws you to a particular meme week after week? Memes about reading in general (Booking Through Thursdays)? or about a specific book each week ("Waiting On" Wednesday)?

My answer:
I seem to phase in and out of participating in the different book memes. I used to participate in most (all) of the memes I listed there, but not so much any more. Of them though, I'm going to have to say that my favourites are Library Loot and It's Monday! What Are You Reading?. Library Loot is the main one I participate in though these days, but I'm not all that regular a library user - hazard of working in a bookstore I think. It's Monday is one I want to participate in more often, but just don't seem to actually do.

Even with my track record, I'm always on the lookout for new book-related memes to read up on and try out.

What's your favourite?


Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews said...

My favorite meme is It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

I use to participate on the Waiting on Wednesday meme (I'm thinking of starting again).

I'm also looking for new memes to try out!

Enjoy your week!

Elena said...

That's definitely a popular one, and I'm trying to get back into participating regularly too.

As for Waiting On Wednesday, my problem with participating regularly is that I'm just not waiting for that many books to be published these days.

Thanks for commenting, and I hope you enjoy your week too.


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