Thursday, March 20, 2014

Current Projects

Of late I've been really into spinning and working with fleeces. The current enthusiasm, I think is partly because spinning and yarn-craft is something that works well with the lifestyle I'm trying to encourage in my new home, but mostly I simply enjoy it. The regular arrival of Spin-Off magazine, and other new spinning-related items, including a fleece I have to process and card before I can spin it are also keeping my mind geared towards spinning.

Above is my current project, a 50g Fleece Artist braid of silk and mohair that I got quite a few years ago now. I'm spinning it as finely as I can, with an eye to attempting a chain ply once the singles have been spun.
This is the first of three skeins (two full-size from my jumbo bobbins and flyer) and the third only half the length, yardage unknown that I spun and chain-plied from a pound of shetland rams' fleece - the same ram that I have the last fleece from.

Aside from spinning, I've also been doing a lot of work outside, fencing in an area to use as a vegetable garden and putting up a green house from a kit. The last few things I need to do before we can start planting are to put in the frames for the raised beds, get the soil to fill them and to make a table for inside the greenhouse.

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