Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday Snapshot - November 5th

I'm posting so late that it's technically Saturday, but to me it's still Friday. I just have the feeling that tomorrow is going to be one of those super busy days, where I'm not going to have the chance for even a post like this one. If so, I'll respond to comments some time later in the evening.

Saturday Snapshots is hosted each week by Alyce of the blog At Home With Books. Its a fun, non-book-related meme and it's always neat to see what photos people are taking each week, or at some points in their past.

Lightning Strikes
I took this one a couple of years ago now and I'm still fairly impressed with my luck. I've never been able to get one like it again - we just don't get thunderstorms like that very often. The lighting was coming down so often that I was able to just point the camera at one place and keep shooting. This was one of about five hundred shots taken in less than an hour. Simply blind luck.


Elena said...

Thanks Vicki! Glad you like it.

Louise said...

Perseverance does pay off! Well done. Thanks for sharing it.

Trish said...

Oh wow, that's so cool. I don't think I've ever been able to capture lightening.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Wow...what an unusual capture. I'm usually indoors hiding when this happens...LOL

Paulita said...

I've tried to get a picture of lightning before and have never been successful. Yours is great. Here's My Saturday Snapshot

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I do love the look of lightning streaking across a dark sky. Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

Perfect timing, I agree. And an artistic shot. Lovely!

mpartyka said...

That's amazing! Congratulations on getting just a great shot.

I am terrible with weather photo's so I really appreciate your efforts.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Jill Buck said...

Beautiful shot!

Peppermint Ph.D. said...

I live in thunderstorm alley...especially during the Spring...I'll have to try this :)

Lisa said...

Professionals make it look easy, because you don't see the hundreds of shots that go into getting a perfect image. This is a really great pic!

My Snapshot is here.

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

Nice! Luck is good. Without luck a lot of great photos wouldn't exist. I'm still trying to get a good lightening shot.

Irene said...

Great photo. I don't think I would have been this brave.

Nise' said...


Stephen said...

Spectacular! Trying to get shoes of lightening must have been fun...since lightening "doth cease to be 'ere one can say, 'It lightened'".

Alyce said...

That is so cool! We get about one thunderstorm a year and it's usually in the dead of night. I'd love to get a lucky shot like that.

Elena said...

Thanks everyone. It really was an incredible thunderstorm. If I'm remembering correctly, there was a lightning strike somewhere around every five seconds or so. Maybe less. And then there was the sky. It went this weird red colour. I've never seen a storm like it before or since.

Booksnyc said...

So much of photography is timing - catching something at just the right moment. Great photo!

Elena said...

Thanks, Booksync. It really is, and I feel so lucky to have gotten this shot.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

That's a beautiful picture.

Bev Hankins said...

I always love it when you can luck into a great shot! Great picture of the lightning strike.

Here's my Snapshot:

Elena said...

Thanks Michael and Bev. I'm glad you like the photos. Yes, luck is definitely a major part of photography, at least for me.

Marie said...

Awesome! I'm impressed that you got such a beautiful shot of something so fleeting. Great colours, nice composition.

Elena said...

Thanks, Marie. That was just an amazing day for photos. I've never seen one like it since.


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