Friday, February 12, 2010

What Would You Recommend? - Shantaram

This is a question I get asked all the time working in the bookstore: "What would you recommend for somebody who loved "_________"? (fill in the blank)" Usually I can come up with something, but that something can be a bit of a wild guess if it's not a book or genre I normally read. This is where you helpful people come in. If you have a suggestion, I'd love to hear it.

Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts is one of those books on my "to read" list, although I haven't gotten a copy yet. Everyone seems to have enjoyed it, and over the last few years I've had a lot of people in the bookstore looking for it. Based on that, I know I have to read it some day. From the back cover and the computer write-up I get the feeling that this is a cross between a novel and a biography, but I'm not certain.

Now, what would you suggest as a recommedation for someone who liked reading Shantaram? I'm pretty sure that the author doesn't have any other novels available (or not widely available, anyway). I'm thinking that the book A Place Within by M. G. Vasanji, a biography which has also been getting a lot of good reviews would be one possible recommendation. Of course, I have to admit that I haven't read either of them, so I can't say for sure. What would you recommend?


Harvee said...

Don't know the setting for Shantaram, but I'd recommend Persian Girls by Nahid Rachlin for a memoir. I reviewed it on my blog and on Goodreads.

Elena said...

Thanks for suggesting that one. It looks like an interesting read, and one I'll have to keep an eye out for.


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