Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday Snapshots - April 28

Saturday Snapshots is a fun little meme hosted by Alyce of At Home With Books each Saturday. The idea of the meme is to post a snapshot or photo you or a member of your family has taken. While I try to post photos taken in the previous week, this week I wasn't able to do that - the photos are all still on the camera right now - though there are a few that I really want to see.

This one was taken at the Ferry dock on Bowen Island a few weeks ago. Just a common Seagull, but I like taking photos of birds in flight.


Trish said...

What a great 'in flight' shot!

Paulita said...

I love how you got the reflection in the water. Here's Mine

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

That's amazing, especially the reflection over the water.

Eva @View from the Hillside said...

Nothing wrong with seagulls, they are elegant birds. Lovely picture.

Jill Buck said...

That is the way I like to see seagulls, ather than when they are begging for food on the beach or boardwalk. Nice job with the photo!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Awesome! I like birds in flight, too, and the water beneath looks like a is so perfect and serene.

Thanks for sharing.


Susan Lindquist said...

I love the full wing spread that you caught and the bird's shadow on the water below ... nice shot!

Cheryl @ Tales of the Marvelous said...

Very nice! It's hard to catch birds flying past. If they'd just hold still for a moment...

Alyce said...

That is an excellent photo of a seagull in flight! It's so crisp and clear!

Laura BurgandyIce said...

In action... makes me feel like flying!

Booksnyc said...

great shot! It is hard to capture birds in flight and you even got the reflection over the water!

Cathy said...

Those in-flight shots can be tricky to capture, too. Good job!

bermudaonion said...

That's an amazing photo - you can even see its shadow on the water!

Elena said...

Thanks everyone, I'm glad you enjoyed the photo.

Peppermint Ph.D. said...

anything caught in motion is so cool to me...very difficult to catch though :) Great shot!

Elena said...

Thanks Vicki and Peppermint. Glad you liked.

Wrighty said...

Wow! Great photo! Such a simple object but not easy to catch a bird in motion. Very pretty!

Elena said...

Thanks Wrighty.

Bev Hankins said...

Wonderful picture of the bird in flight...and the ripples in the water really make the shot.

Here's my Snapshot:

Elena said...

Thanks Bev. Glad you like it and thanks for commenting.

Louise said...

Lovely shot- birds in flight are hard to get.

Elena said...

That they are, Louise. But fun. Thanks for commenting.

Unknown said...

Beautiful picture!

here is mine:


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