Saturday, August 21, 2010

What Would You Recommend? - Number One Ladies Detective Agency

This is a question I get asked all the time working in the bookstore: "What would you recommend for somebody who loved "_________"? (fill in the blank)" Usually I can come up with something, but that something can be a bit of a wild guess if it's not a book or genre I normally read. This is where you helpful people come in. If you have a suggestion, I'd love to hear it.

A lot of people, especially older women really like Alexander McCall Smith's Number One Ladies Detective Agency series. I've heard good things about the T.V. series version too, although the DVD's are fairly expensive. But, once they've caught up to the latest book in the series, in this case, The Double Comfort Safari Club, what should I send them on to while they wait for the next book? Corduroy Mansions, his latest book? It's weird I know, but I've found that quite a number of people who love the Detective Agency books don't especially care for the other series of his. I have to admit that the titles are definitely clever.

Also, I've heard from a lot of people that they like his books, but they don't like mysteries in general, which cuts out a lot of what I'd suggest to them. Are there other good books/series that are set in Africa that readers of Alexander McCall Smith might like?

So, what would you recommend?

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