Edited to add a link to my earlier review of A Lick Of Frost (01/07/09).
Edited to add a review link at the end (12/11/08).
Swallowing Darkness
Laurell K. Hamilton
Random House Publishing Group
Copyright: 2008
Swallowing Darkness is the most recent novel in Laurel K. Hamilton's Merry Gentry series. If I'm recalling the series correctly, it is the sequel to A Lick Of Frost. Honestly, it's been a while since I read the series through (I don't even own copies of the most recent novels), so I was a bit lost at the beginning of this one, but this book has inspired me to do a re-read. Currently I'm a few pages from the end of A Kiss Of Shadows.
The world Hamilton has created here is an interesting one. For the most part, it's the modern world, with the addition of magic and Faerie, which adds some interesting twists and background to events everyone knows about. This is not a series for children, which I assume by now everyone knows about all of Hamilton's latest books from both series, as the author gets fairly explicit.
Merry Gentry as she introduces herself in the first book is now pregnant, so the goal of the series to this point is mostly fulfilled. However, as anyone reading Hamilton's blog knows, this is not the final book in the series, no matter how much it looks like it is. I know I'm waiting for the next book quite eagerly, although in terms of buying this one I'm going to wait for it to come out in paperback.
Other books in the series include (in no particular order)
A Lick of Frost
A Caress of Twilight
A Kiss of Shadows
Also reviewed at:
Books And Other Thoughts
It's funny how many people seemed to think this was the last book - I found it way too inconclusive to even consider the notion, and I'm glad her blog confirms that there are more to come! Thanks for the link! :-)
You're welcome. I'm waiting for the next one too.
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