Sunday, January 20, 2013

You've seen her before, here she is again

I posted a photo pf my Dad's cat back last year, "Hungover Cat" as one of my Saturday Snapshots posts. I finally got a good image of her eyes with a different photo tonight. It's a photo out of my archives, but with a bit of editing - thanks to Photoshop Elements 11, I was finally able to get the effect her eyes have at times. Something that the camera just doesn't seem to be able to pick up on that well.

The picture is better at full size I have to admit.

I've been having a lot of fun with image editing today - enough that I've decided to post the last couple of images tomorrow and space things out a bit. But, as I noted in another post, rather than completely hijack All Booked Up with photo posts, I've created a DeviantArt account for my resurgent interest in art and photography. Although, as you can tell, the occasional photo or piece of art is going to be showing up here as well.

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